How to talk about films in the Russian language?

How to talk about films in the Russian language? After watching a fascinating movie, we definitely want to discuss it with friends and share our emotions. In order to express your impressions of a movie, you need to know a certain list of phrases. And also words that describe films. The groups of such words include genres of films, as well as verbs that relate to cinema topics.

How to talk about films in the Russian language? And not only..

If you are a movie lover, then most likely you also don’t mind going to the theater. In the cinema, just like in the theater, you can watch different performances and genres of films. If you like funny performances, then comedy is the perfect option for you. If you are a fan of funny and sad stories, then drama is the right choice for you. Below in the article you can get acquainted with the names of the genres of cinema and theatrical performances in Russian and other interesting and useful vocabulary.

You can practice vocabulary in the dialogue about going to the cinema right here.

Going to the theater and types of performances. How to talk about theater?

How to talk about films in the Russian language? In order for you to be able to choose the most suitable performance in the theater in Russian, especially you need to know their names. Below we will deal with types of performances exist and how their names sound in Russian.

Пье́са – [pyesah] – a play

Пье́са прошла́ с больши́м успе́хом.

The play was a great success.

Бале́т – [balet] – a ballet

Я о́чень люблю́ смотре́ть бале́т на льду.

I really like to watch ballet on ice.

Мю́зикл – [mewzeekl] – a musical

Мю́зикл э́то мой люби́мый жанр театра́льных представле́ний.

The musical is my favorite genre of theatrical performances.

О́пера – [operah] – an opera

Мы смо́трим о́перу для развлече́ния два ра́за в ме́сяц.

We watch opera for entertainment twice a month.

Траге́дия – [tragediya] – a tragedy

Мне не нра́вится траге́дия, потому что там страда́ют лю́ди.

I don’t like tragedy because people suffer there.

Дра́ма – [drama] – a drama

В музыка́льной дра́ме ва́жно внима́тельно прислу́шиваться к му́зыке.

In musical drama, it is important to listen carefully to the music.

Kinds of film

While going to the cinema or simply choosing a movie to watch, you may be faced with a choice between genres. Scary horror films, thrillers, fantasy about fairy-tale worlds and funny comedies. What is your favorite genre? Let’s find out with their names in Russian.

Боеви́к – [ baeveek] – a thriller

Мне нра́вится смотре́ть психологи́ческие боевики́.

I like watching psychological thrillers.

Мелодра́ма – [meladramah] – a melodrama

На́ша семья́ лю́бит смотре́ть гру́стные мелодра́мы.

Our family loves to watch sad melodramas.

Фильм у́жасов – [ feelm oojasaf] – a horror

Лу́чший спо́соб получи́ть до́зу адренали́на – хоро́ший фильм у́жасов.

There’s nothing like a good horror film to get the adrenalin going.

Детекти́в – [detektif] – a detective

Меня́ о́чень захва́тывают фи́льмы детекти́вы. Я могу́ смотре́ть их су́тками.

I am very captivated by detective films. I can watch them for days.

Мультфи́льм – [mooltfee’m] – a cartoon

Мои́ де́ти смо́трят мультфи́льмы пе́ред сном ка́ждый день.

My kids watch cartoons before bed every day.

Коме́дия – [camediyah] – a comedy

Ве́чером по телеви́зору пока́зывали о́чень смешну́ю коме́дию.

In the evening, a very funny comedy was shown on TV.

Истори́ческий фильм – [istaricheskiy feel’m] – a historical film

Истори́ческий худо́жественный фильм был снят о́чень ка́чественно.

The historical feature film was shot very well.

Фэнтэзи – [fentezee] – a fantasy

Поми́мо всех други́х книг, Ма́ртин прочита́л о́чень мно́го фэнтэзи произведе́ний.

In addition to all other books, Martin read a lot of fantasy works.

Films genres

People and things in discussion of films

Finally, we have already dealt with the most important thing about the genres of theatrical performances and films. But still, this is not enough to fully discuss this topic. Now you will get acquainted with another list of important words. That relates to the people involved in the cinema, the parts of which films are made, and with help of what films are produced.

Аудито́рия – [audeetoriyah] – an audience

Целева́я аудито́рия э́того фи́льма – э́то молоды́е лю́ди.

The target audience for this film is young people.

Кри́тик – [kreeteek] – a critic

Мне́ние э́того кри́тика мо́жет о́чень повлия́ть на продвиже́ние фи́льма.

The opinion of this critic can greatly influence the promotion of the film.

Сюже́т – [sewjet] – a plot

Сюже́т траге́дии хорошо́ заду́ман.

Тhe tragedy is nicely plotted out.

Сце́на – [stsena] – a scene

Сце́на фи́льма была́ вы́резана, потому что та́йминг был превы́шен.

The scene of the film was cut because the timing was exceeded.

Сцена́рий – [stsenariy] – a scenario

Нам предоста́вили иллюстри́рованный сцена́рий фи́льма.

We were given an illustrated script for the film.

Саундтре́к – [saundtrek] – a soundtrack

Саундтре́к фи́льма набра́л миллио́н ска́чиваний на музыка́льной платфо́рме.

The soundtrack of the film gained a million downloads on the music platform.

Спецэффе́кты – [spetsefekti] – special effects

Фильм примеча́телен весьма́ необы́чными декора́циями, костю́мами и спецэффе́ктами.

The film is notable for its extravagant settings and special effects.

Субти́тры – [soobtitri] – subtitles

Мы в кинотеа́тре сиде́ли так далеко́, что едва́ могли́ чита́ть субти́тры.

We were so far back in the theater, we could barely read the subtitles.

Тре́йлер – [trayler] – a trailer

По́сле просмо́тра тре́йлера мы сра́зу реши́ли пойти́ в кино́.

After watching the trailer, we immediately decided to go to the cinema.

And few more verbs additionally…

Осно́вано на – [osnovano na] – based on

Фильм осно́вано на реа́льных собы́тиях.

The film is based on real events.

Сня́то – [snyato] – shot

Фильм сня́то де́сять лет наза́д.

The film was shot ten years ago.

Переведено́ – [perevedeno] – translated

Сериа́л переведно на пятна́дцать языко́в.

The series has been translated into fifteen languages.

Игра́ть роль – [igrat’ rol’] – to play a role

In the article, we got acquainted with the names of the genres of theatrical performances. As well as the genres of films. Because you learned a more advanced vocabulary that will allow you to easily discuss films. Share your viewing experience, as well as analyze films like real connoisseurs. Finally, you will be able to talk about the elements and actions that make films. Happy viewing!

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