How to talk about Christmas in the Russian language?
How to talk about Christmas in the Russian language? Christmas is coming very soon. And that means that now is the perfect time to learn more about Orthodox Christmas traditions! But that’s not all, as you can always learn a huge number of useful and important words and expressions in this article. You will definitely be able to learn about traditional Orthodox rites and other things that Orthodox Christians do during one of the most important religious holidays of the year.
How to talk about Christmas in the Russian language? Here’s general information you have to know about it:
How to talk about Christmas in the Russian language? Despite the fact that the most important holiday of the year for us is the New Year, Christmas is also one of the most important religious days. This day is celebrated instead of December 25, February 7. And it has its own special authentic centuries-old traditions.Further in the article, you can find out the details about these activities and learn a lot of words to discuss this magical day with your friends and family.
List of the most important traditions and their implementation:
As you already know, Christmas is one of the most important holidays for Orthodox Christians. That is why people fast until the very day of the holiday. On this day it is important to go to church and pray. Parishioners of the church attend the liturgy, burn candles and pray for the health of their families. Also traditional is the preparation of the festive menu, which consists of 12 Lenten dishes. Only after the prayer do people start the festive dinner, which symbolizes the end of the fast.
It is also traditional to make important or expensive purchases on Christmas Day, as it’s believed that this will bring financial well-being and prosperity.
Рождество́ – [ rojdestvo ] – Christmas
Рождество́ э́то оди́н из са́мых ва́жных религио́зных пра́здников. – Christmas is one of the most important religious holidays.
Пост – [ post ] – a fast
Христиа́не соблюда́ют пост не́сколько раз в году́. – Christians fast several times a year.
Правосла́вные христиа́не – [ pravoslavniye hristiane ] – orthodox christians
Правосла́вные христиа́не пра́зднуют Рождество́ 7 января́. – Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7th.
Це́рковь – [ tserkov’ ] – a church
Мы собираемся посетить православную церковь на Рождество. – We are going to visit an orthodox church for Christmas.
Литурги́я – [ liturgiya ] – Liturgy
По телеви́зору бу́дет трансля́ция пра́здничной литурги́и. – The liturgy will be broadcast on TV.
Divination and pagan roots
How to talk about Christmas in Russian?
In a certain period, starting from Christmas, people predict their fate by fortune-telling. These techniques and rituals are used to find out future or simply interesting and unknown facts. Not all people treat fortune-telling as a reliable way to find out their future. But nevertheless, people still do it as folk entertainment and to create a mystical atmosphere.
Divination at Christmas doesn’t in any way relate to magic. Вecause people don’t try to change and influence fate. They are just passively trying to learn some facts from the future. In paganism, divination was one of the main forms of worship and has survived till nowadays.
The main goals of divination were: the harvest, the fate of family members and marriage. There are a lot of holy divinations. People use walnuts, thread, candles and wax, cards, needles, towels for this. Everything that everyone can easily find at home. For fortune-telling, there are some rules. It is advisable to do this in a dark room and also not to wear a belt, a cross and not to braid your hair. It is also forbidden to cross arms and legs. Let’s take a closer look at the words that mean divination equipment:
Гада́ние – [gadaniye] – fortune-telling
Гада́ние э́то традицио́нное наро́дное развлече́ние на Рождество́.
Divination is a traditional folk entertainment at Christmas.
Свеча́ – [svecha] – a candle
Свеча́ ипользуется для того́ что́бы мя́гко освети́ть ко́мнату.
A candle is used to gently light up a room.
Воск – [ vosk] – a wax
Расто́пленным во́ском ка́пают на во́ду и пыта́ются разгляде́ть фигу́ры.
Melted wax is dripped onto the water and they try to figure out the shapes.
Игла́ – [ igla] – a needle
Гада́ние на ни́тке и игле́ мо́жет рассказа́ть вам о ва́шем люби́мом челове́ке.
Fortune telling on a thread and a needle can tell you about your loved one.
Нить – [ nit’ ] – a thread
Для гада́ния ча́ще всего́ испо́льзуются бе́лые ни́ти.
For divination, white threads are most often used.
Полоте́нце – [polotentse] – a towel
На це́лую ночь на окно́ разве́шивают бе́лые полоте́нца.
White towels are hung at the window for the whole night.
Гре́цкий оре́х – [ gretskiy areh] – a wallnut
Скорлупу́ гре́цкого оре́ха запуска́ют по воде́ как ло́дочку.
A walnut shell is launched through the water like a boat.
Ка́рты – [karty] – cards
Ка́рты э́то стари́нное гада́льное снаряже́ние.
Cards are ancient divination equipment.
A great opportunity to get together with the whole family
Of course, on this day it is not customary to have loud parties, rather quiet home gatherings. Usually the whole family gathers for Christmas dinner. Which, as we remember, should consist of 12 dishes. Also traditional at this time is a visit with a dinner of your godfathers and mothers. So this is a good opportunity to see those whom you have not seen for a long time due to a busy schedule.
Рождественнский у́жин – [ rajdestvenskiy ujin ] – Christmas dinner
Все чле́ны семьи́ прие́хали на Рождественнский у́жин.
All family members came for Christmas dinner.
Семья́ – [ sem’ya ] – a family
Мы пое́хали в друго́й го́род что́бы навести́ть на́шу семью́.
We went to another city to visit our family.
Крёстный – [ kryosniy ] – a godfather
Мы пое́хали в друго́й го́род что́бы навести́ть на́шу семью́.
I met my godfather a few years later.
Крёстная – [ kryosnaya ] – a godmother
Крёстная подари́ла мои́м роди́телям замеча́тельный ча́йный серви́з.
My godmother gave my parents a wonderful tea set.
In this article, we dealt with the traditions and rituals that Orthodox Christians have for Christmas. We learned how to say divination equipment in Russian, the names of special family members, as well as some church terms. You can certainly use these words and phrases to talk about Christmas with your friends!
You can also practice Christmas dialogue right here.
Even more content from a native speaker on Instagram.
Merry Christmas!