How to do the shopping in the Russian language?
How to do the shopping in the Russian language? Even such a routine and familiar thing as shopping can be difficult if you do it in a foreign language. After all, without knowing a certain vocabulary, you cannot express what exactly you need, ask for something else, or announce your readiness to buy a product. In this article, you can learn all the necessary vocabulary for a pleasant and easy shopping in Russian!
How to do the shopping in the Russian language? Here’s everything you have to know about it:
How to do the shopping in the Russian language. While shopping, you can bring home items such as clothes, shoes, accessories, traditional souvenirs or even national clothes.
So that you don’t have to shell out a fortune for all your purchases, you need to know in advance when the sales season begins in Russia. As a rule, they may not coincide with the sale period in Europe. In fact, all sales in Russia are held twice a year – in summer and winter. Their beginning is subject to an internal schedule or the arrival of a new product. That is why summer sales can start in June and end in October. For instance, winter sales, they start in December and continue until the end of January. Most stores in Russia start work at 10.00 and close at 19.00. As for large shopping centres and supermarkets, they all work round the clock and without weekends.
What are the best places to do the shopping? How to do the shopping in the Russian language.
How to do the shopping in the Russian language. There are a huge number of different places where you can go shopping. For example, single stores, department stores, shopping centres and even markets. Where you shop depends on what your purpose of shopping is and what your budget is. If you want to buy delicious and fresh farm products, for that reason, you need to go to the market. If you want to buy clothes or shoes, then the shops that you can see right on the streets are perfect for you. Also, a fairly common place for shopping is a department store or shopping centre. There you can find everything you need in one place and even more. Now let’s look at the translation of the names of shopping places into Russian:
Ры́нок – [ rynok ] – a market
Мы пойдём на ры́нок в воскресе́нье что́бы купи́ть све́жие о́вощи. – We will go to the market on Sunday to buy fresh vegetables.
Магази́н – [ magazin ] – a shop
Магази́н торгу́ет то́лько фи́рменными това́рами. – The shop carries only name brands.
Универма́г – [ univermah ] – a department store
Универма́ги бы́ли зава́лены това́рами к пра́здничному торго́вому сезо́ну. – The department stores were loaded with goods for the holiday shopping season.
Торго́вый центр – [ torgoviy tsentr ] – a shopping centre/mall
Я бу́ду броди́ть вокру́г торго́вого це́нтра в тече́ние получа́са. – I’ll wander around the mall for half an hour.
Кио́ск – [ kiosk ] – booth/kiosk
Она́ продаёт сувени́ры в кио́ске торго́вого це́нтра. – She sells souvenirs at a kiosk in the mall.
Phrases to use while shopping
During shopping, in order to purchase what you need, you will need to communicate with sellers and other staff for this. Now you will have the opportunity to find out how your size, model or style or desired color will be asked. How to do the shopping in the Russian language.
Мне ну́жен разме́р бо́льше/ме́ньше. – [ mne nujen razmer bolshe/menshe ] – I need a size larger/smaller.
Каки́е фасо́ны штано́в у вас ещё есть? – [ kakie fasony shtanov u vas eshyo est’] – What styles of pants do you have?
Я хочу́ примеря́ть э́то пла́тье. – [ ya hochu primeryat’ eto plat’ye] – I want to try this dress on.
Вы мо́жете показа́ть мне что ещё у вас есть? – [ vy mojete pakazat’ mne chto eshyo u vas est’] – Can you show me what else you have?
На меня́ э́та футбо́лка ве́лика/мала́. – [ na menya eta futbolka velika/mala] – This T-shirt is big/small for me.
Characteristics of the clothes you choose
In order to buy clothes that fit perfectly in all your parameters and satisfy your need, you need to know how to describe the characteristics of this clothing and how to describe it. When shopping, you may need important words such as “size” so that your item fits you perfectly, as well as “style” so that your clothes are suitable for the place in which you are going to wear them. Just as important is the fabric or material from which the clothes are made so that you can wear them at the right time of the year for you. Let’s look at the words that will help you cope with this challenging task:
Разме́р – [ razmer] – a size
Како́й разме́р вы носи́те? – What size do you wear?
Фасо́н – [fason] – a style
Мое́й фигу́ре не подхо́дит э́тот фасо́н пла́тьев. – This style of dress does not suit my figure.
Ткань – [tkan’] – a material, fabric
Э́та ткань легко́ мнётся. – This material crushes easily.
Материа́л – [material] – a material, fabric
Э́тот материа́л мо́жно стира́ть? – Does this material wash?
Предме́т оде́жды – [predmet odejdy] – a clothing item
Они́ сни́зили це́ну на мно́гие ве́щи. – They have lowered the price of many things.
Ве́рхняя оде́жда – [ verkhnyaya odejda] – outwear
Мы хоти́м вы́брать ве́рхнюю оде́жду на гряду́щую зи́му. – We want to choose outerwear for the coming winter.
And DON’T FORGET about…
Же́нская оде́жда – [ jenskaya odejda] – Women’s clothing
Небольшо́й магази́нчик, продаю́щий дорогу́ю же́нскую оде́жду.
(A small boutique selling pricey women’s clothing).
Мужска оде́жда – [ mujskaya odejda] – men’s clothing
Э́то са́мый изве́стный магази́н мужско́й оде́жды в го́роде.
(This is the most famous men’s clothing store in the city).
Де́тская оде́жда – [detskaya odejda] – baby clothes
Когда́ я ви́жу де́тскую оде́жду, мне сра́зу хо́чется ребёночка.
(When I see children’s clothes, I immediately want a baby).
Официа́льная оде́жда – [ofitsial’naya odejda] – formal wear
Для э́того мероприя́тия все уча́стники должны́ быть оде́ты в официа́льную оде́жду.
(For this event, all participants must be dressed in formal attire).
Спорти́вная оде́жда – [sportivnaya odejda] – sportswear
По-настоя́щему популя́рными кроссо́вки ста́ли в восьмидеся́тых, когда́ ста́ло мо́дно носи́ть спорти́вную оде́жду в быту́.
(Trainers really became popular in the 1980s, when casual sportswear came in).
Унифо́рма – [uniforma] – a uniform
Унифо́рма сиде́ла на ней превосхо́дно.
(The uniform fitted her perfectly).
Names of clothing and footwear
After we have thoroughly considered the characteristics and basic styles of clothing, you can proceed to the direct selection of clothing with no problems. But in addition to knowing how to describe clothes, you also need to know the names of clothing items. Therefore, you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the list of clothing names in Russian.
Штаны́ – [shtany] – pants
Штаны́ кни́зу расширя́ются. – The pants flare at the bottom.
Джи́нсы – [ jynsy] – jeans
Ты собира́ешься наде́ть джи́нсы и́ли пла́тье? – Are you going to wear jeans or a dress?
Ю́бка – [yubka] – a skirt
У э́той ю́бки застёжка сза́ди. – The skirt does up at the back.
Шо́рты – [shorty] – shorts
Э́тот сви́тер прекра́сно бу́дет сочета́ться с брю́ками и́ли шо́ртами. – This jumper teams happily with pants or shorts.
What else?
Пла́тье – [plat’ye] – a dress
Тебе́ нра́вится моё но́вое пла́тье? – Do you like my new dress?
Руба́шка – [rubashka] – a shirt
Вы погла́дили мою́ руба́шку? – Have you ironed my shirt?
Футбо́лка – [futbolkah] – a T-shirt
Футбо́лка была́ сли́шком мала́ для него́. – The T-shirt was too small for him.
Спорти́вный костю́м – [spartivniy kastyum] – a sport suit
Я постира́л свой спорти́вный костю́м вчера́. – I washed my tracksuit yesterday.
Кардига́н – [kardigan] – a cardigan
Её кардига́н был зашто́пан на локтя́х. – Her cardigan had been darned at the elbows.
Жаке́т – [jaket] – a jacket
Мне нравится твой пиджак. – I like your jacket.
Костю́м – [kostyum] – a suit
На нём был чёрный костю́м. – He had a black suit on.
Basic names of simple shoes in the Russian language
Сапоги́ – [sapogi] – high boots
Я не могу́ наде́ть сапоги́! – I can’t get my boots on!
Кроссо́вки – [krasovki] – trainers
Специа́льно для э́той пое́здки она́ купи́ла но́вую па́ру кроссо́вок… – She bought a new pair of trainers especially for the trip.
Боти́нки – [batinki] – boots
Он носи́л боти́нки, кото́рые не скользи́ли по льду. – He wore boots that bit into the ice.
Ту́фли – [tufli] – low shoe
Э́ти ту́фли на разме́р великова́ты. – These shoes are one size too big.
Phrases that can be used for and during the payment of goods
While you are paying, there will inevitably be a dialogue with the cashier. Perhaps, you need to clarify the price and find out if there is a discount. Mind finding out about the payment method. Here is a list of phrases that you could use:
Ско́лько э́то сто́ит? – [skol’ka etah stoit] – How much is this?
У вас сейча́с есть ски́дки? – [ u vas seychas est’ skidki] – Do you have discounts now?
Как я могу́ расплати́ться? – [ kak ya mogu rasplatit’tsya] – How can I pay?
Хочу́ расплати́ться ка́ртой/нали́чкой. – [ hochu rasplatit’tsya kartoy\nalichoy] – I want to pay by card/cash.
Я хоте́л бы поменя́ть това́р. – [ ya hotel by pomenyat’ tovar] – I would like to change the item.
Я определи́лся с вы́бором. – [ ya opredelilsya s vyborom] – I decided/I made a choice.
In summary, you have read the article, in which you have learned all the information about shopping. For this purpose, we offered you such collections of words as the names of places where you can go shopping. Also, you can learn the names of clothes and shoes, as well as characteristics and other useful phrases. Besides, you can follow Facebook group to get updates on the website, or read a dialogue about other Russian shopping phrases here.
Good luck and happy shopping!