Learn the jobs in the Russian language

jobs in Russian

The jobs are not that difficult in Russian. They are very similar to English because of their Latin roots but some of them can be totally different.

Learn the Jobs in the Russian language

If you want to ask about a person’s job you can use these types of questions:

Кем вы рабо́таете?

[ Khem vy rabótayete ]

What’s your work?


Чем ты занима́ешься?

[Chem ty zanimáyeshsia ]

What’s your occupation?


Кто ты по профе́ссии?

[ Kto ty pa prafésyi ]

What’s your job/profession?


Practice spelling and handwriting doing the ‘dictation’ exercise. Read the vocabulary below and learn it. Listen to the following audio and type the words you hear in the typing section. Then you can check the spelling of these words.

To type in Russian download the Russian keyboard and use the virtual keyboard on the website below the typing section.

If you want to learn the words properly you can do the Worksheet with ‘jobs’ vocabulary and do the exercises here.

  • 1. архитéктор - an architect
  • 2. медсестрá - a nurse
  • 3. рабóчий - a worker
  • 4. студéнт - a student
  • 5. дóктор (врач) - a doctor
  • 6. музыкáнт - a musician
  • 7. модéль - a model
  • 8. пилóт - a pilot
  • 9. почтальóн - a postman
  • 10. учи́тель - a teacher
IMPORTANT:  IMPORTANT: LISTENING AND TYPING PRACTICE. In the box below using the on-screen keyboard, type ONLY the sounds or words you hear. Not all sounds or words will be included. When finished, you can check your answers by clicking on the GREEN CHECK button below.


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