Love. The First date in Russian language

Love. The first date in Russian language

Love. The First date in Russian language

It’s not easy to ask a girl on a first date in Russian language . This short dialogue can help you with your first date with her. However, practising the keyphrases, you can learn a lot.

You will not always have the opportunity to practice your communication skills with native speakers. It is this dialogue that should help you with your questions related to your first date.Everyone has situations when you want to ask a girl out on a date, but you don’t know how. You can read the dialogue between a guy and a girl. You can learn how to talk about your date and learn the necessary phrases that will help you.In the dialogue, you can see a typical conversation between a guy and a girl who liked each other. Read the dialogue “The First date in Russian language practice” and the memorize glossary.

Follow the facebook for RFL learners to get updated once new pages are posted. You can also practice the useful phrases to how to make small talking here.

You’re going to listen to small talk. Line A is a speaker 1 and line B is a speaker 2.

IMPORTANT! Click the ‘Hide/Show’ button for line A to hide them and listen to the dialogues again. After, you can practice spelling. Type into each box of the lines A exactly what you hear in the audio file. Then click it back to check. You can compare your lines with the ones which are written above. Correct the mistakes and write down the necessary phrases for you.

Do the same thing with lines B. You can also check the translation of the small talk by pressing the green button ‘check’ under the dialogue. You can download the audio and practice it later again.


pretty girl - красотка.
see you soon - увидимся или (скоро увидимся).
never mind - не бери в голову или (ну ничего).
meet for a cup of coffee - встретиться за чашечкой кофе.
go to the cinema with - идти в кино с ( кем-то).
I`m also pleased - Мне тоже приятно.


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A: - Приве́т!
B: - Приве́т, мы знако́мы ?

A: - Нет, но ты мне о́чень понра́вилась и я бы хоте́л с тобо́й познако́миться. Меня́ зову́т Ми́ша, а тебя́ ?
B: - Ты смешно́й, Ми́ша, меня́ зову́т А́ня. 

A: - Прия́тно познако́миться, А́ня, не хо́чешь встре́титься за ча́шечкой ко́фе ли́бо пойти́ со мной в кино́ ?

B: - Мне то́же прия́тно, я ду́маю что лу́чше пойти́ в кино́.

A: - Каки́е фи́льмы ты лю́бишь ?
B: - Мне нра́вятся у́жасы.

A: - Э́то бу́дет стра́шное пе́рвое свида́ние, ну ничего́, до встре́чи, красо́тка!
B: - До встре́чи!


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