Appointment at the beauty salon in Russian

appointment at the beauty salon

How to make an appointment at the beauty salon in the Russian language. Short dialogue.

Appointment at the beauty salon in Russian sometimes can be challenging.  However, practising the keyphrases, you can learn a lot.

You can also practice useful words and phrases for similar importnat event as making an appointment at  doctor’s .

Definitely going to a beauty salon is a pleasant and joyful event. But even such a routine and familiar thing requires knowledge of a certain vocabulary. In order to communicate with the staff and explain what kind of salon service you need. You should know how to say it in Russian.  Usually, beauty salons offer a wide range of services. Dialogue will help you deal with it.  The dialogue presents a conversation between a future client and an administrator of a beauty salon. You will be able to learn how to register for the procedure. Also how to say in Russian the names of such services as “haircut” and “manicure”. And definitely how to choose the time that suits you.

IMPORTANT! Click the ‘Hide/Show’ button for line A to hide them and listen to the dialogues again. After you can practice spelling. Type into each box of the lines A exactly what you hear in the audio file. Then click it back to check. You can compare your lines with the ones which are written above. Correct the mistakes and write down the necessary phrases for you.

Do the same thing with lines B. You can also check the translation of the small talk by pressing the green button ‘check’ under the dialogue. You can download the audio and practice it later again.


Сало́н красоты́ - [ salon krasoty ] - a beauty salon
Процеду́ра - [ protsedura ] - a procedure
Стри́жка - [ strijka ] - a haircut
Маникю́р - [ manikyur ] - a manicure
Ма́стер - [ master ] - master, tech
Записа́ть - [ zapisat' ] - to make an appointment
Подходи́ть - [ podhodit' ] - to suit, to be right for


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Алло́, здра́вствуйте. Вы позвони́ли в сало́н красоты́. Чем я могу́ вам помо́чь?
Здра́вствуйте! Я бы хоте́ла записа́ться на процеду́ры на за́втра.

Кака́я процеду́ра вас интересу́ет?
Я бы хоте́ла сде́лать стри́жку и маникю́р.

Хорошо́, како́е вре́мя вам подхо́дит? Ма́стер свобо́ден в 10:00 и 12:00.
Запиши́те меня́, пожа́луйста, на 12:00.

Наш ма́стер бу́дет ожида́ть вас на 12:00. До встре́чи!
Спаси́бо, до за́втра!


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