Crimes and Criminals. Words in Russian language

From childhood, parents teach children what is bad and what is good. All the books that children read as they grow up help them understand what is good and what is evil. But unfortunately, not everything in life goes smoothly, and it is because of the difficult that criminals and the crimes that they commit appear In this article, you can learn all the necessary words in russian language to understand what a crime is, who a criminal is and all aspects of crime in Russian!

Crimes and Criminals. Here’s everything you have to know about it:

To know what crimes are, first you need to figure out what is a crime and who is a criminal.

Crime – the intentional commission of an act, usually considered socially harmful or dangerous, specifically defined, prohibited and criminally punishable.

Criminal – is a popular term used for a person who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime.

As a rule, crime in Europe is less than in Russia. But in fact, the world will always have enough crimes and those who commit them. There is even a rating of crime in the world. It displays how safe these countries are for tourists, what is the level of street crime. Although in fact, there is no exact data anywhere.

Crimes and Criminals..Here’s everything you have to know about it:

There are different types of crimes and criminals. Necessary words in the Russian language….

There are different types of criminals that are classified as under.

Habitual criminal – [ zakoreneliy prestupnik ] – Закоренелый преступник

A person who has been convicted of multiple felonies (or of numerous misdemeanors), a fact that may increase punishment for any further criminal convictions.

Legalistic criminal – [ yuridicheskiy prestupnik ] – Юридический преступник

The legalistic criminals are those who violate the law due to ignorance about crimes and their consequences or those who are the victims of unjust law enforcement. This type of criminal is considered criminal by law but they are not criminals by nature.

Psychopathic criminal – [ prestupnik psychopath ] – Преступник психопат

The psychopathic criminal has been defined as an “asocial, self centered, aggressive person with a dangerously maladjusted personality who craves excitement, feels little guilt, and is unable to form meaningful emotional attachments to others.

Professional criminals – [ profesionalniy prestupnik ] – Професиональный преступник

Professional criminal is a popular name for a person who has made crime his or her livelihood, that is, a person who depends upon criminal activities for at least a substantial portion of his or her income, and who has developed special, related skills.

Organized criminals – [ organizovannaya prestupnost ] –  Организованная преступность

Organized crime is a continuing criminal enterprise that rationally works to profit from illicit activities that are often in great public demand. Its continuing existence is maintained through corruption of public officials and the use of intimidation, threats or force to protect its operations.

Words to use while talking about crime:

During conversations with lawyers or with people who are simply interested in their safety, you will have to appeal in terms. These phrases will help you express your point of view easily and clearly.

Blackmail – [ shantazhirovat ] – Шантажировать.

Он шантажировал меня и мою семью.  – He blackmailed me and my family.

Fraud – [ moshennik ] – Мошенник.

Его жена мошенница – His wife is fraud.

Murder – [ ubiystvo ] – Убийство.

Максима судят за убийство – Maxim is on trial for murder.

Judge – [ sudya ] – Судья.

Мой друг работает судьёй – My friend is a judge.

Terrorism – [ terrorism ] – Терроризм.

В Сирии процветает терроризм – Terrorism flourishes in Syria.

Talking about crimes and criminals
Talking about crimes and criminals…..


And DON’T FORGET about…

Hacking – [ vzlom ] – взлом

Вчера он взломал компьютер соседа.  

(Yesterday he hacked into a neighbor’s computer).

Robbery – [ ograblenie ] – ограбление

Мой брат сидит в тюрьме за ограбление.

(My brother is in jail for robbery.).

Proof – [ dokazatelstvo ] – доказательства

У полиции нет никаких доказательств. 

(The police have no proofs.).

Evidence – [ ulika ] – улика

Товарищ судья, могу ли я узнать, какие улики есть по этому делу ?.

(Comrade judge, may I know what evidence is there in this case?.).

Verdict – [ verdikt ] – вердикт

Через 35 минут окружной судья выносит вердикт.

(After 35 minutes, the district judge issues a verdict.).

Police – [ policia ] – полиция

Его забрала в участок полиция.

(He was taken to the police station.).

Names of authorities that can help you:

You can easily get acquainted with the authorities that can help you with the crime. But besides this, you need to be able to contact these bodies and describe your problems correctly. Therefore, you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with a list of words in Russian language and phrases that will help you with this.

Суд – [ sud ] – court

Если ваши проблемы нельзя решить между собой, обращайтесь в суд!. – If your problems cannot be resolved among themselves, go to court!

Юрист – [ jurist ] – lawyer

Ты попал в беду, теперь тебе нужен хороший юрист. – You’re in trouble now you need a good lawyer.

СБУ  – [ sbu ] – SBU

За мошенничество его задержало СБУ. – The SBU detained him for fraud.

Юридическая фирма  – [ juridicheskaya firma ] – law firm

Он глава самой лучшей юридической фирмы. – He is the head of the best law firm.

What else?

Bribery – [ vzyatochnichestvo ] – Взяточничество

Он сидит в тюрьме за взяточничество.  – He is in jail for bribery.

Drug dealing – [ prodazha narkotikov ] – продажа наркотиков

Зачем ты занялся продажей наркотиков ? – Why did you get involved in the drug dealing ?

Kidnapping – [ pohishenie ] – Похищение

Кто из них участвовал в похищении детей ?. – Which of them was involved in the kidnapping of children?

Smuggling – [ kontrabanda ] – Контрабанда

Котрабанда запрещена в этом штате. – Smuggling is illegal in this state. 


Final conclusion about crimes and words in Russian Language ….

conclusion about crimes....
Conclusion about crimes….

In summary, you have read the article, in which you have learned all the information about crimes and criminals. To do this, we have offered you such sets of words as types of crimes that you can use at the right moment. You can also find out the names of various crimes and how to fight them. Besides, you can follow Facebook group to get updates on the website, or read a dialogue about other vital things in Russian here.

Good luck and be careful!


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