Add Russian language vocabulary. Restaurants
Add Russian language vocabulary about restaurants. We have already analysed the dialogue that can happen in a restaurant. Here you can find a conversation between the waiter and the visitor and learn useful phrases for going to the restaurant. But, except for a dialogue with a waiter, it would be nice to know the translation and meaning of a list of other words. Such as the names of cutlery or basic actions people do while being in a restaurant. In the article, you can find many useful and important words. For example, in case you need extra dishes, or you need to ask the waiter for something.
General information about Russian language in restaurants
Before we move on to more specific words and phrases, we should learn the basic words. They can also come in handy when you’re talking to someone about your eating out, or even in case if you need to approach the waiter while you’re having dinner. You can also express your food preferences and easily tell your order to the waiter.
Рестора́н – [restaran] – a restaurant
Мы собира́емся пойти́ в но́вый рестора́н за́втра ве́чером.
We are going to go to a new restaurant tomorrow evening.
Чаевы́е– [chaeviye] – tips
Он оста́вил официа́нту ще́дрые чаевы́е.
He left a generous tip for the waiter.
Официа́нт– [afitsiant] – a waiter
Cегодня оди́н официа́нт обслу́живал пять сто́ликов.
Today one waiter served five tables.
Официа́нтка – [afitsiantka] – a waitress
Она́ рабо́тала официа́нткой в кафе́ уже́ не́сколько ме́сяцев.
She had been working as a waitress in a café for several months.
Меню́ – [menyu] – a menu
Мо́жно мне меню́ на англи́йском, пожа́луйста?
Can I have a menu in English please?
Рекомендова́ть – [rekomendavat’] – to recommend
Я могу́ вам порекомендова́ть блю́до дня от ше́фа.
I can recommend Chef’s Dish of the Day.
Хоте́ть – [ hatet’ ] – to want
Я хочу́ что́-то из ры́бы на основно́е блю́до.
I want some fish for the main course.
Зака́зывать – [ zakazivat’ ] – to order
Я вы́брала блю́да и гото́ва заказа́ть.
I have chosen the dishes and am ready to order.
Вегетариа́нец – [ vegetarianets ] – a vegetarian
У вас есть специа́льное меню́ для вегетариа́нцев?
Do you have a special menu for vegetarians?
Cutlery and other things on the table
When you come to a restaurant and sit down at the table, you will certainly see a set of dishes in front of you. Now we will talk about table setting, dishes and cutlery, and of course about other things that may be there. You will be able to find out the names of numerous things and also see in what context they are used. This will make you feel confident during any meal in a beautiful restaurant. But nevertheless, knowing these words may have more practical meaning for you. For example, in a situation where you need an extra fork or another glass.
Ви́лка – [ vilka ] – a fork
В э́том рестора́не испо́льзуют то́лько серебрянные ви́лки.
This restaurant uses only silver forks.
Ло́жка – [ lojka ] – a spoon
Суп при́нято есть ло́жкой.
Soup is eaten with a spoon.
Нож – [ noj ] – a knife
Мя́со удо́бнее всего́ есть ви́лкой и ножо́м.
Meat is best eaten with a fork and knife.
Бока́л для вина́ – [ bakal dlya vina ] – a wine glass
Официа́нт напо́лнил ви́нный бока́л и пода́л гостя́м.
The waiter filled a wine glass and served it to the guests.
Стака́н – [ stakan ] – a glass
В таку́ю жа́ркую пого́ду бо́льше всего́ мне бы хоте́лось стака́н холо́дного лимона́да.
In such hot weather, what I would like most of all is a glass of cold lemonade.
Таре́лка – [ tarelka ] – a plate
Че́рез де́сять мину́т по́сле зака́за на столе́ ожида́ла таре́лка с основны́м блю́дом.
Ten minutes after ordering, a plate with the main course was waiting on the table.
Ча́шка – [ chashka ] – a cup
Я не голодна́, поэ́тому закажу́ то́лько ча́шку ча́я.
I’m not hungry, so I’ll just order a cup of tea.
Ча́йная ло́жка – [ chaynaya lojka ] – a teaspoon
Друг размеша́л са́хар и положи́л ча́йную ло́жку на блю́дце.
A friend stirred the sugar and put a teaspoon on a saucer.
Few more words about table decoration:
So, how to add Russian language vocabulary? Rea the next phrases and words, make flashcards and practise them until you remember them. Make your own examples to use the words.
Све́чи – [ svechi ] – candles
На столе́ горе́ла дли́нная воскова́я свеча́.
A long wax candle burned on the table.
Подсве́чник – [ padsvechnik ] – candlestick
Мы поста́вили свечу́ в краси́вый ме́дный подсве́чник.
We put the candle in a beautiful copper candlestick.
Ска́терть – [ skatert’ ] – a tablecloth
Официа́нт накры́л стол белосне́жной све́жей ска́тертью.
The waiter covered the table with a crisp white tablecloth.
Ва́за – [ vaza ] – a vase
На ка́ждом столе́ была́ хруста́льная ва́за с цвета́ми.
Each table had a crystal vase of flowers.
Салфе́тка – [ salfetka ] – a napkin
У ка́ждого го́стя за столо́м о́коло таре́лки бы́ло не́сколько салфе́ток.
Each guest at the table near the plate had a few napkins.
Things people do in restaurants in russian language
Another important thing is the things that people do in restaurants. In this passage of the article, you can find out how the actions that the waiters perform are called in Russian, as well as how you can ask them for something. You may want to get a dish recommendation or ask for a bill, or book a table and order. Add Russian language words, such basic words and phrases can make your going to a restaurant exciting and hassle-free, and after visiting you will have only positive emotions.
Обслуживать посетителей – [ abslujivat’ posetiteley ] – to serve customers
Сего́дня в рестора́не посети́телей обслу́живали всего́ два официа́нта.
Today, only two waiters served customers in the restaurant.
Накрывать на стол – [ nakrivat’ na stol ] – to lay the table
Мы жда́ли когда́ стол бу́дет по́лностью накры́т.
We were waiting for the table to be completely laid.
Бронировать столик – [ branirivat’ stolik ] – to book a table
Мой муж позвони́л в рестора́н за два дня и заброни́ровал сто́лик.
My husband called the restaurant two days in advance and made a reservation.
Заказывать еду – [ zakazivat’ edu ] – to order food
Мы бы́ли уста́вшие и не хоте́ли гото́вить, поэ́тому заказа́ли еду́.
We were tired and didn’t want to cook, so we ordered food.
Просить счёт – [ prasit’ schyot ] – to ask for a bill
Я могу́ попроси́ть свой счёт?
Can I ask for my bill?
Оставлять чаевые – [ astavlyat’ chaeviye ] – to leave tips
Я хоте́л бы оста́вить чаевы́е на ка́рту.
I would like to leave a tip on the card.
In this article, we have analyzed numerous useful and important words for going to a restaurant. Such as basic words about the restaurant, the people who work there. So, add Russian language vocabulary about restaurants now. Also, words that will make you feel confident at the table during dinner. Because you have already learned the names of cutlery, decorative items in restaurant words, as well as useful phrases that you can say when talking to a waiter. For other interesting and important information, check Instagram.
Good luck with learning Russian and going to a restaurant!