Basic Russian vocabulary: home repairs
Basic russian vocabulary: home repairs
Basic Russian vocabulary: home repairs. Everyone in life faced such an event as house repairs. It can be a complete renovation of your interior design or a small repair of a breakage. But even such a task requires knowledge of certain words and expressions. In this short article, you will learn the names of repair tools and other useful things in the house in Russian.
Tools for repairs
In this short article, you will learn the names of repair tools and other useful things in the house in Russian. In this glossary you will find only the most important words. Tools that are used during any repair: nails, hammers, ropes and much more.
Молото́к – [molotok] – a hammer
Для того́ что́бы заби́ть то́нкие гво́зди нам пона́добился лёгкий молото́к.
In order to hammer thin nails, we needed a light hammer.
Гво́зди – [gvozdi] – nails
Он бы́стро вбил гво́зди в до́ску.
He quickly drove the nails into the board.
Верёвка – [veryovka] – a rope
Альпини́стам необходи́ма кре́пкая верёвка.
Climbers need a strong rope.
Доска́ – [doska] – a board
Доска́ была́ вре́менно приби́та к стене́.
The board was temporarily nailed to the wall.
Кирпи́ч – [kirpich’] – a brick
Строи́тель посчита́л ско́лько кирпиче́й необходи́мо для конструи́рования стены́.
The builder calculated how many bricks are needed to construct the wall.
Дрель – [drel’] – a drill
В рабо́те мы испо́льзуем то́лько электри́ческую дрель.
In work, we use only an electric drill.
Отвёртка – [otvyortka] – a screwdriver
Кры́шку телеви́зора откры́ли с по́мощью отвёртки.
The TV cover was opened with a screwdriver.
Useful things around the house
In addition to home repair tools, other things can come in handy. For example, to eliminate minor problems and routine household activities. Every day we use matches, light bulbs, and flashlights to create light in the house. Glue and tape for easy repairs. Such simple routine things are necessary for everyone. Let’s find out what they are called in Russian and you will easily find them in the store.
Спи́чки – [spichki] – matches
В похо́д мы взя́ли не́сколько коробко́в спи́чек.
We took a few boxes of matches on the hike.
Ла́мпочка – [lampochka] – a light bulb
Ла́мпочка в гости́нной давно́ перегоре́ла.
The light bulb in the living room had burned out a long time ago.
Фона́рик – [ fonarik] – a flashlight
В подва́ле бы́ло так темно́, что пришло́сь испо́льзовать не́сколько фона́риков.
The basement was so dark that several flashlights had to be used.
Скотч – [skotch] – a tape
Страни́цы разо́рванных книг бы́ли закле́ены ско́тчем.
The pages of the torn books were sealed with tape.
Клей – [kley] – a glue
Для обо́ев мы купи́ли са́мый про́чный клей.
For wallpaper, we bought the most durable glue.
Ни́тка – [nitka] – a thread
Поду́шка была́ вы́шита разноцве́тными ни́тками.
The pillow was embroidered with multicolored threads.
Иго́лка – [igolka] – а needle
На иго́льнице вися́т иго́лки ра́зной толщины́.
Needles of different thicknesses hang on the needle bed.
Let’s summarize?
In this article, we analyzed the vocabulary that relates to home repairs and needlework. Now you can easily order or buy in the store the tools and materials you need. No matter how complex a renovation you have planned, you’ll be ready for it with this vocabulary. After all, now such non-standard words as “hammer” or “glue” are simple and understandable for you.
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Good luck!