Мой день. My day.
Read the text and translate it into Russian. If you don’t know what the translation is you can check it by pressing the ‘check’.
Story text
Приве́т! Меня́ зову́т Та́ня. Я ме́неджер. Я рабо́таю в ба́нке. Мой банк большо́й. Он в це́нтре го́рода. Иногда́ я не хочу́ рабо́тать, но у меня́ хоро́шая зарпла́та. Я рабо́таю 8 часо́в. Э́то мно́го. Ка́ждый день я пью ко́фе и ем сала́т на рабо́те. Э́то мой день.
Show translation
1. Кто Таня по профессии?
2. Где банк Тани?
3. Какая у Тани зарплата?
2. Где банк Тани?
3. Какая у Тани зарплата?
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Find case
Find the prepositional and accusative cases in the text. Press the words which are in the prepositional and accusative cases and if they are correct the prepositional case will be highlighted with yellow color and the accusative case will turn purple. If you are not sure where the cases are, just use the check case button.
Show cases
I was not sure I had everything correct and was at first not sure how to see if I had everything right. Then I saw the SHOW CASES button! This is excellent and definitely something I need. Thank you very much for this! (I got one wrong! LOL! I missed день )