Top 10 break-up lines in Russian

The Russians love drama and all the relationship must have at least the dramatic ending. But what if you just want to break up with a person and not to hurt them? The top 10 break-up lines in Russian will help you to finish everything.


So the Top 10 Break-up Lines in Russian Language are:


break up top phrases
How to break-up in the Russian language. 10 top lines.


  1. Де́ло не в тебе́, де́ло во мне‘.

[ déla ni f tibié, déla va mnye ].

It’s not you, it’s me.


2.  ‘Я про́сто бо́льше не люблю́ тебя́‘.

[ ya prósta nye lublú tibiá ].

I just don’t love you any more.


3. ‘Ты мне нра́вишься, но у меня́ нет вре́мени на серьёзные отношéния‘.

[ ty mnye nrávishsia, no u minyá net vrémini na siriózniye atnashéniya ].

I like you but I don’t have time for anything serious.


4. ‘Ду́маю, что мы сли́шком поторопи́лись‘.

[ dúmau, shto my slíshkam potarapílis ]

 I think we rushed into this relationship too fast.


What is it’s not true at all? ..

how to split up in the Russian language
Have you used any of these top 10 break-up lines?

5. ‘Мне ну́жно немно́го вре́мени побыть одному́‘.

[ mnye núzhna nimnóga vrémini pabít adnamú ].

I need some time to be on my own.


6. ‘Ты мне бо́льше как брат / сестра́‘.

[ ty mnye bólshe kak brat / sistrá ]

You are like a brother / sister to me.

Well, to sound even more dramatic you can watch the video here and learn some more useful phrases by Olya D.

7. ‘Мне ка́жется, я сли́шком мо́лод для серьёзных отноше́ний (остепени́ться)‘.

[ mnye kázhitsia, z slíshkam mólad dlia sirióznyh atnashényi ]

I think I’m just too young to settle down.


8. ‘Дава́й лу́чше оста́немся друзья́ми’.

[ daváy lúchshe astánimsia druziámi ]

I think we’d be better off as friends.


9. ‘Моя́ ба́бушка умерла́ и мне ну́жно немно́го вре́мени пережи́ть э́то го́ре’.

[ mayá bábushka umirlá i mnye núzhna nimnóga vrémeni perezhít eta góre ]

My grandma died and I need some time to be on my own to overcome this pain.


10. ‘Ты сли́шком хоро́шая для меня́. Я не подхожу́ тебе́’.

[ ty slíshkam haróshaya dlia minyá. Ya ni padhazhú tibyé ]

You’re too good for me, I’m not that good for you!

These are the most popular or top 10 break-up lines in the Russian language. Which one sounds the most hurtful for you?!! Have you ever used any of them?

Read how correct your pronunciation in the Russian language so that you sound like a native here.

3 Replies to “Top 10 break-up lines in Russian”

  1. Great post! I love the combination of language learning and humor, that’s why Olya is the best! I’ve also now learned some good dating advice😅

      1. None specifically, I’m looking for my first victim, lol:) Number 9 is my favorite🤣

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